♬ #Steppenwolf ~ #BornToBeWild / #EasyRider #DennisHopper #PeterFonda [ ∟音楽>動画]
♬ Steppenwolf ~ Born To Be Wild (18.03.05動画差替えにて修復)
” ヘビ-・メタル ” という言葉の元祖みたいな曲。
尚 歌いだしのところを私が翻訳すると、
「♬ いつものラーメン 笑顔でハイウェイ~!」
This introduced the phrase "Heavy Metal" with the line "Heavy Metal Thunder." Heavy Metal became a term for hard rock.
This was used in the 1969 movie Easy Rider, a counterculture classic starring Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda as bikers who ride from Los Angeles to New Orleans. Another Steppenwolf song, "The Pusher," was also used in the film.
When the movie was in production, this was simply a placeholder, since Fonda wanted Crosby, Stills and Nash to do the soundtrack. It became clear that the song belonged in the movie, and it stayed.
Partly because of it's use in Easy Rider, this has become the song most associated with motorcycles.
This was the second single off their first album. The first single, "Sookie Sookie," was a flop.
Other movies this has been used in include Coming Home, One Crazy Summer, Opportunity Knocks, Dr. Dolittle 2, and Speechless.
This wasn't released in the UK until 1969.
In 1994, Ozzy Osbourne did a duet of this with Miss Piggy. It was released on an album called Kermit Unpigged, with featured rock stars singing with Muppets.
This has been covered by U2, Blue Oyster Cult, MC Shan, and The Cult. (thanks, Brett - Edmonton, Canada)
In 2004, Paris Hilton asked Steppenwolf to use this as part of her show, The Simple Life 2. Steppenwolf adamantly denied.
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