♬ " #KillingMeSoftlyWithHisSong " (1972) ? #LoriLieberman [?音楽]
♬ "Killing Me Softly with His Song" (1972) ? Lori Lieberman
→ この SSブログは25.03.31で消滅で それよりも前の月日に閉じるが、→ 仮移行先でのテスト。
♬ The #JeffBeckGroupLive in Dallas [19-7-1968] - Full Show / #JeffBeckGroup #JeffBeck [?音楽]
♬ The Jeff Beck Group Live in Dallas [19-7-1968] - Full Show
♬ #BluesDeluxe - #JeffBeckGroup / #JeffBeck #RodStewart #RonWood #TonnyNewman #NickyHopkins [?音楽]
♬ Blues Deluxe - Jeff Beck Group(第1期)
25.01.31(英国25.01.30) #検索結果メモ: #マリアンヌフェイスフルさん逝去 / #マリアンヌフェイスフル #ミックジャガー [?音楽]
25.01.31(英国25.01.30) 検索結果メモ: マリアンヌ・フェイスフルさん逝去 続きを見る
♬ #JeffBeck and #LesPaul and #BillySquire [?音楽]
♬ Jeff Beck and Les Paul and Billy Squire 続きを見る
♬ ” 'Cause We've Ended As Lovers ” _ #Syreeta ( #RitaWright )/ #CauseWeveEndedAsLovers [?音楽]
♬ ” 'Cause We've Ended As Lovers ” _ Syreeta ( Rita Wright )
♬ #IWillStandByYou ( #JeffBeck with #ChrissieHynde #クリッシーハインド ) / #IWillStandByYou #Pritenders [?音楽]
♬ I'll Stand By You (Jeff Beck with Chrissie Hynde クリッシー・ハインド)
♬ 検索結果メモ:( #RitaWright )♬ I Can't Give Back The Love I Feel For You /#ICanNotGiveBackTheLoveIFeelForYou [?音楽]
♬ #Album ” #BeckOla ” #JeffBeck ( #JeffBeckGroup ) [?音楽]
♬ Album ” Beck-Ola ” Jeff Beck ( Jeff Beck Group )
♬ #JeffBeckGroup - #BBCSessions 1967-1969 [?音楽]
♬ JEFF BECK GROUP - BBC Sessions 1967-1969
♬ #HowlinWolf - ” #SmokestackLightnin' ”( #SmokestackLightning ) [?音楽]
♬ Howlin' Wolf - ” Smokestack Lightnin' ”( Smokestack Lightning )
♬ #GregLake ” #ITalkToTheWind ” (Firenze, Viper Theatre, December 5th 2012) / #KingCrimson [?音楽]
♬ Greg Lake ” I talk to the wind ” (Firenze, Viper Theatre, December 5th 2012)
♬ #CarlySimon - ” #YoureSoVain ” Live [?音楽]
♬ Carly Simon - ” You're So Vain ” Live
♬ #KingCrimson _ #FullAlbum ” #StarlessAndBibleBlack ” [?音楽]
♬ King Crimson _ Full Album ” Starless And Bible Black ” (24.10.28動作確認 22.02.11)
♬ ” #IveBeenDrinking ” (+ lyrics)_ #JeffBeckGroup(第一期) [?音楽]
♬ #JeffBeckWithTheJanHammerGroupLive / #JeffBeck #JeffBeckLive [?音楽]
♬ Jeff Beck With The Jan Hammer Group Live
♬ #LedZeppelin - #RockAndRollHallOfFame1995 (Complete version) [?音楽]
♬ Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 1995 (Complete version)
♬ #JeffBeck and #StanleyClarke at the North Sea Jazz Festival (2006) [?音楽]
♬ Jeff Beck and Stanley Clarke at the North Sea Jazz Festival (2006)
♬ Clapton's Guitar - #WhileMyGuitarGentlyWeeps _ #EricClapton's guitar track separated from all other instruments and vocals. [?音楽]
♬ Clapton's Guitar - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
_ Eric Clapton's guitar track separated from all other instruments and vocals.
♬ #KingCrimson ” #PicturesOfACity ( #Live , 1972) ” [?音楽]
♬ King Crimson ” Pictures Of A City (Live, 1972) ”
♬ ” #AsTearsGoBy ” #MarianneFaithfull (1964) [?音楽]
♬ ” As Tears Go By ” Marianne Faithfull (1964)
♬ ” #GoodMorningLittleSchoolGirl ” #MississippiFredMcdowell / #FredMcdowell [?音楽]
♬ ” Good Morning Little School Girl ” Mississippi Fred Mcdowell