Every pictur tells a story. Everything Including Myself is Constantly Changing. 諸行無常ってか?
’ステッペンウルフ’ は来なかったけど、’ミミ’ だけが道路まで出迎えてくれた。
’nice!’ を ありがとうございます by mitch (2010-04-18 00:06)
Picturs Remain The Same_so-net
The Lunatic In My Brain_fc2
mitch1's photos on Buzznet
Tea for two. cocolog
Mitch Mitchel 's Machinery Design Office fideli
The answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything. seesaa
I ’m so proud ・・・ jugem
’nice!’ を ありがとうございます
by mitch (2010-04-18 00:06)