♪ #アルバム ' #McDonaldAndGiles '_McDonald And Giles [ ∟BGM]
♪ ' McDonald And Giles '_McDonald And Giles <アルバム>
( 22.02.09 Ian McDonald氏 逝去 享年75歳 _ 合掌)
https://youtu.be/YIC7dUiE1RQ?feature=shared ( cf. McDonald And Giles )
A1. Suite in C
A2. Flight of the Ibis 11:23
A3. Is she waiting
A4. Tomorrow's people (The children of today) 17:22
B1. Birdman (involving The Inventor's Dream (QUAT)) 24:22
Workshop / Wishbone ascension / Birdman flies / Wings in the sunset / Birdman (The reflection)
cf. Ian McDonald, King Crimson and Foreigner Co-Founder, Dead at 75
cf. Ian McDonald
cf. ♪ ' McDonald And Giles '_McDonald And Giles
https://youtu.be/LMff9CM7yPU ( cf. McDonald And Giles )
ベースの 故ジョン・ウェットンにも、合掌。
Talk to the Wind-Flute transcription of the Ian Mcdonald Solos (King Crimson)
King Crimson - I Talk to the Wind (50th anniversary tribute show)
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